East Tyrolean Hochpustertal: environmental friendliness of the ski resorts

Most environmentally friendly ski resorts in the East Tyrolean Hochpustertal - most eco-friendly ski resorts East Tyrolean Hochpustertal

1 test report

Best rating:
4 out of 5 stars

East Tyrolean Hochpustertal: environmental friendliness of the ski resorts – Environmental friendliness Sillian – Thurntaler (Hochpustertal)

Evaluated by Skiresort.info, the world's largest evaluation and test portal for ski resorts.
Click here for rating process info

East Tyrolean Hochpustertal: most eco-friendly ski resorts

1-1 out of 1 ski resorts

Test result: 4 out of 5 stars
The market town of Sillian encourages visitors to opt for climate-friendly mobility with its “Sillian… more
1-1 out of 1 ski resorts