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Siegen-Wittgenstein: Ski resort friendliness

Ski resorts with the friendliest employees in the County of Siegen-Wittgenstein

2 test reports

Best rating:
4 out of 5 stars

Siegen-Wittgenstein: Ski resort friendliness – Friendliness Burbach

Evaluated by, the world's largest evaluation and test portal for ski resorts.
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Siegen-Wittgenstein: friendliest ski resorts

1-2 out of 2 ski resorts

Test result: 4 out of 5 stars
A ski area like Burbach is kept alive by enthusiasm for the sport, not by profits. The employees work… more

Test result: 4 out of 5 stars
If your car has an out-of-town license plate, they are quick to ask where you're from - just out of… more
1-2 out of 2 ski resorts