Ski resorts France

11.0 km from the centre of the village to the ski resort

14.0 km from the centre of the village to the ski resort

26.0 km from the centre of the village to the ski resort
Piste maps/trail maps around Luz-Saint-Sauveur

- 7 piste maps/trail maps in the Arrondissement of Argelès-Gazost
- 11 piste maps/trail maps in the Department of Hautes-Pyrénées
- 24 piste maps/trail maps in Midi-Pyrénées
- 33 piste maps/trail maps in Occitanie (Pyrénées-Méditerranée)
- 113 piste maps/trail maps in Southern France (le Midi)
- 215 piste maps/trail maps in France
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Tips for the ski holiday