Evaluated by Skiresort.info, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts.
The evaluation is done as follows
Snow park/terrain park Bad Gastein/Bad Hofgastein – Schlossalm/Angertal/Stubnerkogel
The ski resort has a large snow park at the Burgstalllift and a small family park at the Weitmoserbahn lift. The fun slope offers thrills for the whole family.
Snow park
Familypark Gastein
The snow park at the Weitmoserbahn lift is ideal for the whole family. It offers easy obstacles and jumps.
Snowpark Gastein
The large snow park is located on the Stubnerkogel and can be accessed easily from the Burgstalllift tow lift. The varied set-up with beginner, intermediate and advanced areas ensures lots of diversity and fun.
Funslope Gastein
The fun slope is located on the Schlossalm and offers lots of fun for the whole family with boxes, tunnels, jumps, wave runs and turns.
- Snow park/fun park
- Fun slope
- No halfpipe
- Kicker (Jump/Ramp)
- Rails/Slides
- Boxes
- Wallride
- Corner/Hip
- Waverides
- Medium Line
- Beginner/Easy Line
- few cat tracks
- no runs with ascent
- very many freeride/deep snow areas
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