Test result
Evaluated by Skiresort.info, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts.
The evaluation is done as follows
Orientation (Trail map, information boards, sign-postings) and safety in the ski resort Frauenalpe – Murau
Trail map and overview maps
The trail map depicts all lifts and slopes well and offers a good overview of the ski resort. The lengths of all slopes and lifts are also included. They could include some additional information for guests, such as the ski bus schedule.
Information boards and sign-postings on the slopes
It is easy to find your way on the Frauenalpe. There are sign-postings at all intersections. A slope guidance system helps guests recognize where they are in the ski resort. The trail map at the ticket desk informs guests about the current opening statuses of the individual lifts and slopes.
Trail map
Frauenalpe Season ---- !!! closed/stillgelegt
Top Orientation
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Orientation (trail map, information boards, sign-postings)
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