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Snow reliability Furano

Snow reliability of the ski resort Furano

Skiresort.info test report

Test result

5 out of 5 stars

Evaluated by Skiresort.info, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts.
The evaluation is done as follows

Snow-reliable rating Furano

A lack of snow is unheard of in Furano. The ski resort is very snow-reliable. It snows almost every day during the main season. The reason is cold air masses from Siberia that absorb moisture over the Sea of Japan which then falls as snow on the mountains in the west of Hokkaido. Powder skiing in the famous “Japow” (Japan powder) is therefore possible throughout almost the entire season in Furano. The Furano Zone is open for skiing and snowboarding from the end of November until the start of May. The Kitanomine Zone operates from the start of December until the end of March. Snow cannons also help out at the start of the season.

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