Ski resorts Austria

Ski hire near Happylift in Steinhaus am Semmering

80 m distance
Ski rental:
Verleih Semmering Passhöhe/Übungswiese

0,2 km distance

0,2 km distance
Ski rental:
Verleih Zauberberg Kabinenbahn/Hirschenkogel
Ski hire nearby

Town(s) with ski rental at the ski resort Happylift – Semmering
- Bundesstraße 76/2, 2680 Steinhaus am Semmering, Austria
- View on Google Maps
Happylift (YOC 2004)
T-barLength: 300 m · Carrying capacity/hour: 1000
Manufacturer: Doppelmayr
Towns/villages at the ski resort (distance from town center):
Semmering (0.2 km), Steinhaus am Semmering (3.3 km) Towns/villages at the ski resort more
Semmering (0.2 km), Steinhaus am Semmering (3.3 km) Towns/villages at the ski resort more
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