Towns/villages at the ski resort (distance from town center): Puy-Saint-Vincent Station 1600 (0.2 km), moreTowns/villages at the ski resort (distance from town center): Puy-Saint-Vincent Station 1600 (0.2 km), Puy-Saint-Vincent Station 1800 (0.8 km), Puy-Saint-Vincent (0.1 km), Les Prés (0.3 km), Les Alberts (0.4 km), Le Puy (1.3 km), Grand Champ (1.8 km) Towns/villages at the ski resort more(distance from town center): Puy-Saint-Vincent Station 1600 (0.2 km), Puy-Saint-Vincent Station 1800 (0.8 km), Puy-Saint-Vincent (0.1 km), Les Prés (0.3 km), Les Alberts (0.4 km), Le Puy (1.3 km), Grand Champ (1.8 km)
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Sand in Taufers