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Snow park SnowWorld Rucphen

Snow park at the indoor ski area SnowWorld Rucphen test report

Test result

4 out of 5 stars

Evaluated by, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts.
The evaluation is done as follows

Snow park/terrain park SnowWorld Rucphen

The SnowWorld Rucphen offers quite a few things for freestylers and snowboarders. Almost the entire slope at the pommel lift is filled with rails and jumps. On the main run, there are larger jumps and even a Bag-Jump.

Snow park

Snowpark Rucphen Skidome

There are rails and jumps to be found everywhere throughout the ski hall as well as a Bag-Jump. All of these are easily accessed with the pommel lift or people mover.

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Offering snow parks
  • Snow park/fun park
  • No halfpipe
  • Kicker (Jump/Ramp)
  • Rails/Slides
  • Boxes
  • Waverides
  • Medium Line
  • Beginner/Easy Line

Information for Snowboarders
  • no cat tracks
  • no runs with ascent
  • no freeride/deep snow areas

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