Evaluated by Skiresort.info, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts.
The evaluation is done as follows
Cross-country trails at the ski resort Sudelfeld – Bayrischzell
- Cross-country trail offering
Total trail length: 98 km
Bayrischzell is the starting point for numerous cross-country trails in the surrounding valleys. The cross-country trails are prepared with care and attention to detail. The municipality of Bayrischzell even runs a cross-country ski bus between Bayrischzell/train station, Zipflwirt and Bäckeralm, as well as between Bayrischzell and Geitau. Use of the cross-country trails is free with the visitors’ card. Otherwise, you need to pay a small contribution. This includes free use of the cross-country ski bus, car parks and the changing rooms and showers in the Sportalm.
This cross-country trail leads from Bayrischzell over a scenic route along the Leitzach and on via Osterhofen to Geitau and back.
- Length 11.8 km
- Elevation: 781 m - 830 m
Difficulty level: easy, intermediate
Track: double track
Cross-country skiing style: classic, skating
fee: yes
Service offering: Changing rooms, ShowersZipflwirt-Kloo-Ascher-Runde
This cross-country trail starts at the Zipflwirt car park. It leads via Hauswies and Ascherbach Staumauer to Kloo-Ascher and back to the Zipflwirt.
- Length 6.3 km
- Elevation: 800 m - 863 m
Difficulty level: easy
Track: double track
Cross-country skiing style: classic, skating
fee: yes
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