Ski resorts Italy
Test result
Evaluated by, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts.
The evaluation is done as follows
Snow park/terrain park Val Senales Glacier (Schnalstaler Gletscher)
The Val Senales Glacier ski resort offers a small funpark at the base.
Snow park
Funpark Val Senales
Next to the Glocken practice slopes in the base area, there is a separated funpark. An easy line with boxes and kickers was created especially for snowboard newcomers. There is also a wave run here.
Offering snow parks
- No snow park/fun park
- No halfpipe
- Kicker (Jump/Ramp)
- Boxes
- Waverides
- Beginner/Easy Line
Information for Snowboarders
- no cat tracks
- no runs with ascent
- many freeride/deep snow areas
Top Snow Park Offering
10 strengths of this ski resort
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