Snow depths at the base in the Val d'Anniviers

Ski resorts sorted according to snow depth at the base in the Val d'Anniviers - Snow status at the base in the Val d'Anniviers for skiing

Snow at the base in the Val d'Anniviers

Most snow in the Val d'Anniviers:

Snow levels at the base in the Val d'Anniviers (All ski resorts with current snow reports)

0 closed ski resorts

Current snow depth at the base in the Val d'Anniviers

  • Filter by:
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    • Open slopes
      0 km 64 km
    • % open
      0 % 55 %
    • Snow depth mountain
      0 cm 70 cm
    • Snow depth base
      0 cm 40 cm
  • Sort by:
  • Val d'Anniviers – switch to

    Mountain range:

1-3 out of 3 ski resorts

Ski resort open
63.7 of 115 km of slopes (55% open)
19 of 21 lifts
70 cm top (2900 m)
40 cm base (1570 m)

Ski resort open
18.3 of 35 km of slopes (52% open)
8 of 10 lifts
70 cm top (2374 m)
20 cm base (1340 m)

Ski resort open
30.4 of 60 km of slopes (51% open)
8 of 15 lifts
70 cm top (2980 m)
10 cm base (1680 m)
1-3 out of 3 ski resorts